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Struggling to keep track of what auctions are coming up? Looking for a potential bargain?Our new feature can help you.
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Want to make sure you don't miss an upcoming auction?
We now display a calendar showing all upcoming auctions here.
Want to find potential bargains?
For auctions where we're provided the data directly by the auction house we combine the listings details against our price database to tell you how that vehicle compares to recent sales for that model.
You can filter down to see those cars that are below or above prices we traditionally see.
Note: this is not a determination of value given the spec, history, condition of said vehicle rather a comparison of the estimate to recent sales for the same model.
And if you don't want to search auction by auction you can view our Vehicle Search page to see all vehicles in one go.
Check out the Auction Listings page here or the Vehicle Search page here.
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